15 Domain Investing Tips from Squadhelp CEO | DomainInvesting.com

15 Domain Investing Tips from Squadhelp CEO | DomainInvesting.com

In case you missed it over the Thanksgiving holiday, Squadhelp CEO Darpan Munjal posted a long thread on X to share some domain investing tips. These tips are not specific to the Squadhelp platform, and they can be implemented by domain investors on other platforms or across their owns dales listings. One suggestion I wouldn’t say I disagree with but don’t ascribe to is the one regarding Make Offer option with a BIN price. I agree on lower priced names but have it on many higher priced names. I tend to price my better inventory quite high, and I would rather give the option to make an offer in case my BIN price was set far too high. Sellers can always say “no,” stick to their BIN price and warn of a price increase if they wish. That’s just my opinion though. I did not embed the entire thread here, so you’ll need to link over to X/Twitter to see all of his tips. Notably, Darpan suggested testing everything, and that is something I have always done and suggested. Over the past few years, we have done quite a bit of testing and experimentation. Here are 15 Domain Investing tips that we have seen work well. While some learnings are specific to our platform, many have broad implications. A thread 🧵👇 — Darpan (@darpanmunjal) November 23, 2023

This content was originally published here.