Transatlantic Leadership Forum Keynote: The State of Entrepreneurship – Fabrice Grinda

Transatlantic Leadership Forum Keynote: The State of Entrepreneurship - Fabrice Grinda

Transatlantic Leadership Forum Keynote: The State of Entrepreneurship December 12, 2023 I had the pleasure to be invited by Frenchfounders to speak at this year’s Transatlantic Leadership Forum hosted by Goldman Sachs. The event brought together over 500 leaders to explore themes of sustainable futures, technological advancements, and economic transatlantic collaboration. I shared my perspective on the state of entrepreneurship. I covered where we stand in the macro cycle, its impact on entrepreneurship, my thoughts on AI as an investment opportunity, and FJ Labs’ current thesis. Given how many times I was asked the question, it’s worth noting that I spoke without a teleprompter or notes. Practice makes perfect!

This content was originally published here.