5 Strategies for Delivering a Seamless Customer Experience with Integrated Marketing – CXService360 – Customer Service Articles, Stories and more

5 Strategies for Delivering a Seamless Customer Experience with Integrated Marketing - CXService360 - Customer Service Articles, Stories and more

Brands use multiple promotional and communication channels to interact with their customers. Previously, they all were seen as stand-alone platforms requiring various resources and effort to succeed. But, with recent growth in the digital marketing landscape, efforts are being made to make them more integrated and seamless. 

The first step towards integrated marketing is providing seamless customer support. Although obvious, many brands fail to deliver adequate fluidity to their customers, making the experience underwhelming.

This article will discuss the strategies for delivering a seamless customer experience with integrated marketing. But, before that, let’s understand what it means.  

What Seamless Customer Experience Means

The buyer journey defines the customers’ experience with a B2B brand. From discovering your brand to acquiring your product and beyond, how the buyer perceives the experience defines the seamless customer experience. 

In most cases, the buyers face typical issues that make their journey less convenient. Among them, misalignment of buyer needs, inconsistent brand positioning, and the disparity between sales & marketing teams are the most common. 

When buyers start the journey with your brand, they expect to be catered to with consistent customer support and nurturing. If you fail to do that, it provokes the question of trust and integrity. For instance, if a prospect leaves their contact details on LinkedIn and doesn’t get a call back due to the absence of integration, you’ve failed to deliver a seamless customer experience.

Although it’s expected for new brands not to deliver adequate fluidity, you must learn from your mistakes and implement them very fast. Here are 5 strategies that will get you started with customer experience.  

Strategies for Delivering a Seamless Customer Experience

#1. Create Ideal Customer Profiles

An ideal customer profile (ICP) is the type of user that is more likely to purchase from you. Companies, especially B2B brands, create ideal customer profiles to rank and organize the leads to invest more resources. It helps them prioritize prospects and personalize their approach to increase the probability of sales.

You can start building your ideal customer profiles by referring to:

Unique Selling Proposition

Ask yourself about what makes your product different from others. Before launching your final product, ensure that you have a unique feature that makes you stand above the crowd and solves a particular issue for your customers. 

This information will help you filter the keywords you want to implement in your integrated marketing campaigns and create an ideal customer profile. Moreover, you’ll be able to target prospects in the market to resolve that particular issue. 

For instance, if you’re a software company and have developed a mobile app that lets marketers analyze the keywords their content ranks on and recommend actions to improve it, you need to promote your USP by consulting your B2B marketing agency to the interested prospects. 

Audience Demographic

If you’re long in the market, you must know who your customers are and what kind of content they seek. The demographic information of your most spending leads must be used to create the ideal customer profiles. If you can identify your prospects’ pain points, mitigating them would only be a matter of time. 

Some attributes that should be used to identify the audience demographic are: 

Identifying Best Customers

What can be better examples of ideal customer profiles than the customers themselves? If you already have customers willing to pay a premium for your products, they are the ideal customers.

Consider gathering as much info about them as possible and implementing them in your next integrated campaigns. 

Analyzing Feedback 

Feedback is one of the essential elements to creating an ideal customer profile and improving your products. Bad reviews are more critical to build a profile than good ones.

These reviews let a brand know where they lack a seamless customer experience and what can be done to mitigate them—creating a better flow for the next customers. 

#2. Personalize Customer Experience

With 80% of customers ready to lean toward a particular product or service with better personalization, you must try to implement them in your integrated campaigns. Although it may not be easy for brands that don’t have enough resources to customize their website for each customer segment, you can try implementing this strategy in your newsletters, events, and paid ads. 

Moreover, for B2B brands, personalization is much more important. As your clients are recurring and provide much more value to your business individually, you need to embrace as many personalization opportunities as possible, even for calls. 

Every prospect starts their journey by being introduced to your brand through referrals, paid ads, awareness campaigns, or events. You must track the journey through extensive means to fasten any loose ends that may make them fall out of the funnel due to a bad customer experience. 

With integrated marketing on the rise, it’s easy to lack supervision on some channels. High-quality leads from that channel may feel like outskirts and fall out of the funnel sooner than intended. Make sure to appoint as many resources as the channel demands. 

#4. Make Your Promotional Channels Work With Each Other

Integrated marketing is all about synchronization between promotional and communication channels. It’s the responsibility of your marketer to ensure that the channels are integrated and don’t affect the customer experience negatively. 

Consider gathering information on your most influential channels and maximizing integration with each other. 

#5. Offer Convenience and Proactive Support

Seamless customer support requires the proactive establishment of communications that takes care of the requirements even before they are made aware of the issue. For example, if an issue has occurred with your website, make them aware before they experience it themselves.  

The Bottom Line

Hopefully, you’ve understood which strategies you need to implement as a starter to deliver a seamless customer experience to your prospects and customers.

Create an ideal customer persona, curate a personal experience for each customer segment, analyze the customer journey and you’ll be good to go. 

Free bonus: You can download this guide as PDF. Easily save it on your computer for quick reference or printing it out to share with others in your team –
5 Strategies for Delivering a Seamless Customer Experience with Integrated Marketing.pdf

Dan has hands-on experience in digital marketing since 2007. He has been building teams and coaching others to foster innovation and solve real-time problems. Dan also enjoys photography and travelling.
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This content was originally published here.