Random thought about AI and emerging technology

Random thought about AI and emerging technology

When you think you are at the hour of maximum risk in what you are doing, remember it is also the moment of maximum opportunity.

We have struggled for centuries with the concept of fairness. Will AI be any different? In the early stages of development we are experiencing, we as humans must demand the focus on AI fairness, which must be a priority.

Now think of the day when AI is used to analyze AI biases and shortcomings. Think about it.

When will ChatGPT become useful? When humans demand accuracy and truthfulness, the patterns no longer mimic past and prejudiced behaviors.

The algorithm replicate patterns. This is why studying patterns and recognizing how patterns shift is critical. Think about ethics, behaviors, and social norms. What about religion?

What do you need to know about AI? Please get to know the humans behind the AI that has sparked your interest. AI’s algorithms are based on human design choices; not all humans think alike or have the same goals in mind.

As a data scientist, I am here to tell you Data isn’t always neutral; never let anyone tell you data is just data. Data is created in the image of humans, and not all humans share the same likeness of being human.

There is no level playing field in emerging tech. Especially with AI. All companies compete at silicon speeds; remember, we live in a global marketplace and must think about ecosystems. It is all about innovation-education-collaboration for humans.

AI is a major technology disruptor in healthcare. Medicine is making advances with AI creating a new health market, and most people don’t even see it happening. Humans must change their frame of reference to understand what is unfolding entirely.

This content was originally published here.