Just realized that we completed a survey in April 2022 that appeared to satisfy the client’s needs but that I have never completed the plat of survey nor billed for our service.
What say you. Deliver the survey and bill as if this was standard practice and make no comments? Forget about it? Deliver the survey and bill with a letter apologizing for being such a poor businessman (the client is a super salesman, BTW)?
It seems odd to me that this far out that the clients would not follow up with you to see where his work is at. I would give him a call and explain the oversight. If you have a signed contract, the client is still obligate to pay for a product delivered but your problem is that you need to update the survey and do a new title review at no additional expense to the client.
Never ruin an apology with a lame excuse.
Nobody wants to hear excuses; we want solutions; how are you going to fix it.
“Review of our records shows that we never completed and recorded the plat of your survey. We apologize for the delay. We also missed sending you the final invoice for our services. The plat and final invoice are attached. Thank you for your business. Please contact me with any questions or if I can be of further service in this matter or any other.”
If I personally worked with or knew the client, I would pick up the phone and say that as well, prior to sending the billing and product.
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