**PING** The inbox went and there he was, “Geek”, sharing with us a complete Original Xbox Games collection standing just shy of 2tb , in the new CCI format – as yet CCI images cannot be played via emulator and can only be loaded into modified original xboxes – HOWEVER- You can extract them into emulator playable ISOs too!!
The video above shows just a hint of some of the amazing titles available in this complete loaded ROMs pack…
I’m happy to present the full collection of 1,044 Original Xbox Games Available in CCI Format, which is the latest and greatest “lossless” format made available by Team Resurgent.
There are many collections that have been made available for download in the past, however, they all have one of two issues:
1. “HDD Rip” format games are often times broken, and have all Xbox Live elements removed from them. This was fine back in 2010. However today, with Team Insignia bringing back Xbox Live v1.0 – there is a demand for having original game rips.
2. Full ISO Rips take up over 6GB per image, when often times the games don’t actually take up more than 1GB of space. This extra space is wasted, and you would need a 16TB drive to be able to hold all of the games, and most of that space is wasted!
The benefit to the CCI image format is that it is truly the best of both worlds. These images are in a lossless compression format, and can be reconverted into redump ISO format if desired using the Repackinator tool made available by Team Resurgent. (https://github.com/Team-Resurgent/Repackinator)
In order to use these files you must have the Cerbios BIOS loaded onto your Xbox Console. This is the only BIOS that will support the CCI image format. Luckily it is free to download, and does not require any additional hardware to be purchased. The simplest of Modchips can run it, and soldering two points on the XBOX (TSOP Flash) will enable you to run this feature packed BIOS. (BIOS Download here: https://www.xbins.org/index.php?action=search&searchtxt=Cerbios&Submit=Search)
Please note that there are a select few games that are not in CCI format, as they are known to have issues in this format. It’s extremely rare – and those files have been included in a .7z format, with a compressed .iso inside of it. It’s only a handful of games, and they are in their own isolated folders. The list of affected games can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vSewa5ynfmFC6Dg9FeF9nBF511dGgHc6VwtmR5AH3yyba-bqXO2OAvR-_xxPSLk84xCiM8LxntTYzHX/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true
Enjoy this massive collection, It took a long time to put together – and please seed it for others to enjoy. //Geek
Cerbios CCI Setup Guide (Mod Chip)
RELEASE NAME: | Xbox Master Collection CCI |
more download options coming soon – including NZB and RG
Highly advise using USENET (NZB) to download this, it’ll come SCREAMING down your line if you use one of our approved UseNet suppliers – see this page for more information. Note if your usenet (nzb) client is claiming there is a password then you need to use a different client – we DO NOT share password protected archives unless otherwise informed. If using torrent we highly recommend using TIXATI on larger images as can handle large chunks BIGGER and FASTER!! |
The post XBOX Master Games Collection CCI complete appeared first on Arcade Punks.
This content was originally published here.