Elon Musk has no interest in making a gaming console, which makes sense–since he’s focused on making cars, going to space, and ostensibly, taking care of his eight kids. Speaking on the Full Send podcast, Musk said he is not going to make a competitor to Microsoft’s Xbox and Sony’s PlayStation.
So yeah, the Tesla console will likely never manifest. But what Musk is trying to manifest is getting Steam to work on Tesla. He posted in July on Twitter that the company is still working on Steam integration and that a demo could possibly go live in August at some point.
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It’s unknown how many Steam games Musk is aiming to make compatible with Tesla. Even Valve’s flagship handheld PC can’t handle every single one of Steam’s vast library of games. But if nothing else, Musk probably wants to get Elden Ring working on Teslas, a game he infamously tweeted about.
Currently Tesla has around 20 games through the Tesla Arcade, but Musk has been attempting to bring more games to Tesla’s library over the months–though, not without scrutiny. Tesla landed in hot water for allowing games to still function even when the car was moving. Tesla said the feature was for passengers in the vehicle, but people still expressed concerns over the potential dangers this new feature could pose.
Tesla later disabled the function, making simultaneous driving and gaming impossible, but not before the US auto safety agency had a chat with the car company to express its concerns about driver distractions.
This content was originally published here.