Meet the tech entrepreneur turned developer investing it all in Easton | Lehigh Valley Regional News – Business Finance

EASTON, Pa. – A new developer is investing all of his time and money into Easton. His projects range from historic mansions to prime real estate in Center Square.

Hagai Feiner started out as a tech entrepreneur in California, founding Access Networks, and then needed an East Coast location. His wife is from the Lehigh Valley.

“Bethlehem Steel kind of family,” said Feiner.

It makes sense he was drawn to Easton, which is experiencing a revival.

“There is a lot of history here, and people are sweet,” Feiner said. “All of those factors along with an inviting government creates this magnet.”

Feiner says one of his first lessons as boss was culture eats strategy for breakfast.

“The space you create and the way you treat people is what drives success,” said Feiner.

He redid 225 Ferry Street for his company’s home base and loved designing the space so much that he didn’t stop there. Access Networks got acquired, and Feiner turned all of his efforts toward development in Easton, founding Platform 5.

“We’re looking to elevate the standard,” Feiner said.

Preserving historical structures is a priority. Among the projects underway: the Reigel Mansion on Spring Garden Street.

“An apartment building with seven units, a bunch of parking in the back and a pool with a Jacuzzi,” said Feiner.

He’s also working on a proposal for 8 Center Square.

“If we get to do what we would like to do, we’re going to add three levels to the building and essentially create a five-story building with a rooftop bar and a restaurant on the bottom,” Feiner said.

In a couple of months, Platform 5 will open an office in the West Ward.

“That’s also going to be a co-working space that we’re going to share with the community and next door, that’s our nonprofit that we’re now getting off the ground, which is a technical school teaching the local community,” said Feiner.

Watch 69 News Wednesday at 6 pm to learn all about the historic elements in the Reigel Mansion and how they’re being preserved over the next 18 months as construction gets underway.

This content was originally published here.