Are modern women SCARED of Entrepreneurship? – GirlsAskGuys

Are modern women SCARED of Entrepreneurship? - GirlsAskGuys

Are modern women SCARED of Entrepreneurship?

Old school women were Entrepreneurship minded. Their home was their office. Their husbands paid the basic bills which gave them the freedom to focus on networth building.

These women had dynamic people skills, a rolodex of hundreds of business contacts.

They were traders with the courage to haggle for the best price.

Their time was split between child rearing, home chores (which the children did most of the time) cooking and business calls.

They were skilled at building and maintaining a network that stretched over oceans. They knew everyone in their community through trade and knit communities together by these mechanisms.

Have modern women lost these interpersonal skill sets? Or are they simply afraid to fail?

Or do you see a different picture?

Have modern women chosen the option of a job as an easy cope out?

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What Girls & Guys Said

Are you sure you’re correct there? Women of the past weren’t allowed to own property or have wealth. They often had so many kids they didn’t have time to be business minded because wiping arises, looking after the home, cooking for the family and feeding kids was a full time job in itself.

Hello my dear,

I agree, Women did have a lot of responsibilities but the responsibilities associated with raising children were overstated.

Children would do most of the house chores to teach cleanliness and orderliness and to rid a lot of that adolescent energy lol. Children will look after each other. Older sisters would look after their junior brothers and were often their mother’s greatest helper.
Infact I’ve never known a young girl who doesn’t seek to help her mother out. It seems to be innate.
In most developing countries of the world, young girls as young as 9 are cooking for the family. This idea that wives were so preoccupied with wiping baby bums for 16 hours of the day whilst everyone else in the house eqs staring at walls, is a gross fabrication of human history. Even present day history you won’t find a stay at home mother who has children who can walk and talk and she hasn’t at least once asked that child to clean their room, put their toys away of sweep the floors.

Kind regards,

Some are, women in business are still a rarer sight in this day and age

Most people want the easy way in life… me well o started my first business at 8 because no one would hire me and noe they won’t hire me if I wanted it

Why won’t they hire you now?

Are you saying there were a lot of women entrepreneurs in like our grandparents time?

I don’t know that. Wow. I thought they were all just homemakers.

I’m a man who loves to read autobiographies of women during the 20’s-70’s. Even black women during the height of racial segregation, were Entrepreneurs. In those books you learn so much about the lives of young girls growing up, how aunty this and big momma what’s her name, owned the only shop in town ran by a black person of any gender.

I’ll give you a real life example,

Growing up as an African man in the UK from 2 years old, most African community hubs can be found in church. Those in my community would go from the working world to church, to home. That is their life. In church women would be selling trinkets of jewelry or food items to one another. Sometimes it was difficult to distinguish church from a fashion runway event!

Whilst my father, a diplomat, was at work in the embassy, my mum would be at home searching online for unique and pretty items. Looking to find the next trend, running around buying phone cards so that she could contact wholesalers from around the globe. This all while doing her house chores (which actually we, her children, did most of).

This was the life of a typical house wife. Deliveries would arrive daily, aunty what’s her name, and uncle what’s his name, would come around and drop off/trade items. The house was a wife’s office, surrounded by children and business. Often times it was more busy than my father’s working day.

Women never needed to seek employment from an organisation, that was a step down to her. She saw it as masculine and frankly beneath her and oppressive to her feminine nature.
Her office/home was her castle and she ran the house and her businesses through it. Watching my mother operate as well as all the mother’s when I was younger, taught me a lot about how women knit communities together.

The most respected women were the ones who ‘knew a person in Shanghai that could get what you wanted’.

Long story short, The women were building the family network which is the true networth!

Do you know how women retired their husbands?

A wife would say to her husband, “you know, I was speaking to xi in China and he gave me a good price for 200 white crystal necklaces. But he told me that his business recently lost a supplier for laces.”

The husband would find a supplier of laces, if he wasn’t already working in a factory with that capability, and create middleman contracts.

That was how a family unit that was designed to build wealth functioned.

Kind regards,

I think most people are afraid of failure and starting a business puts you at a pretty decent risk for failure since 20% of small businesses fail within the first year.

I heard that the majority of entrepreneurs are women so no.

They certainly aren’t afraid of selling pooty on Only Fans.

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