Business, Finance, Marketing, and Management

Business and marketing prepares students to master the knowledge and skills needed to function as citizens, consumers, employees, managers, business owners, and directors of their economic futures through the study of accounting, business law, career development, communication, computation, economics, personal finance, entrepreneurship, information technology, international business, management, and marketing.

Business Administration Standards 101
This video covers a review of a standard, performance elements and performance indicators (competencies) and introduces the state Business Administration Standards.

More Resources for Performance Indicators
This video covers additional resources that are available to teachers for covering all competencies for a Business Administration program.

MBA Research and Curriculum

MBA Research Center
MBA Research is a not-for-profit organization that was established in 1971 as an education foundation. It is operated by a consortium of state education department and has a mission to support educators in the preparation of students for careers in business. The vision of MBA Research is to be the recognized leader in the development of programs, strategies, and curricula to prepare students for career-oriented, leadership position in business and marketing. Iowa has been a member state since 1971 and has access to the research, professional development and state membership benefits.

Statewide Iowa Observations and Recommendations Report
“Futuring” panels are big-picture focus groups that address trends and issues within the various specialties. Senior executives or senior-level specialists who have a strategic perspectives were invited to participate. The futuring panels looked at the overall structure of the standards, but do not actually validate content. This report was focused on three cluster areas: business management and administration, finance, and marketing.

Standards and Benchmarks

Business Administration

Iowa Business Education Association (IBEA) – The state’s organization for business educators. The IBEA Executive Board includes leadership of President, President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Past President. In addition, the Board has Area Representatives for all sections of the state and several other major officers.

National Business Education Association (NBEA) – The nation’s leading professional organization devoted exclusively to serving individuals and groups engaged in instruction, administration, research, and dissemination of information for and about business.

North Central Business Education Association (NCBEA) – An affiliate of the NBEA including the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin; and the Canadian provinces adjacent to the North Central Region.

This content was originally published here.