Certificate in Entrepreneurship for $13

Certificate in Entrepreneurship for $13
Expires April 03, 2123 23:59 PST
Buy now and get 85% off


Whether you are launching a new product or service at a large corporation or starting your own company, this Entrepreneurship Masterclass will materially help you to ensure that you are successful. By the end of this 26-hour course, you will be armed with many qualitative and quantitative tools and frameworks, so that you can take your startup or your existing company to the next level!

This course will guide you through all the practical steps that you need to grow your existing company or launch a new company. Including raising money, creating a rock-solid go-to-market business strategy, building your management team, determining the product and or service that you’re selling, and creating financial statements the easy way.

  • Access 129 lectures & 26 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn the best practices of many billionaires that have launched successful companies
  • Learn about venture capital from scratch
  • Create your own business plan or improve your existing company or department
  • Discover how you can raise money from investors or strategic partners
  • Build financial statements for a startup


Important Details

  • Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
  • Access options: desktop & mobile
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
  • Experience level required: all levels


  • Any device with basic specifications


Chris Haroun | Award Winning MBA Professor, Venture Capitalist and Author

4.5/5 Instructor Rating:
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Chris Haroun is an award-winning business school professor, venture capitalist, MBA graduate from Columbia University, and former Goldman Sachs employee. He has raised/managed over $1bn in his career. He also has work experience at hedge fund giant Citadel, consulting firm Accenture, and several firms that he has started, including an investment firm that had a venture capital / private investment in Facebook several years before the Facebook IPO. He is the founder and CEO of Haroun Education Ventures.

This content was originally published here.