Opinion: All NYU schools should offer embedded internships

Opinion: All NYU schools should offer embedded internships

Last semester, I had an embedded internship within my Gallatin School of Individualized Study’s seminar, “Coming Out Stories.” Not only was this my first internship opportunity, it was also directly related to what I have been studying, which is hard to come by in New York City’s competitive job market. Internships are invaluable tools to solidify academic work and gain real world experience in the fields studied at NYU. Currently, embedded internships, which place students in nonprofit organizations that align with a course’s material, are only offered by Gallatin and a few departments in the College of Arts & Science. However, due to the high demand for internships and the pivotal role they play in post-undergraduate success, it is imperative for all schools within the university to integrate embedded internships into their curricula. Embedded internships provide students with the unique opportunity to apply what they learn in the classroom in organizations that align with the learning objectives of their courses. For example, a student enrolled in a marketing course at the Stern School of Business could participate in an embedded internship with an organization focused on social media advocacy. This internship would ensure that students gain relevant and practical experience that directly complements their academic pursuits. Additionally, embedded internships offer extended placements, allowing students to continue learning in their chosen field beyond the duration of their classes. With more time, students can learn more skills and make connections with mentors and peers. These relationships are invaluable for networking purposes, and can lead to potential job offers in the future. This networking advantage is particularly beneficial for students in specialized programs such as real estate, offered by the School of Professional Studies, where making connections can be challenging. These internships not only provide invaluable real-world experience, but also allow students to explore various career paths, clarifying their interests before they enter the workforce. For journalism students like myself, multiple embedded internships with diverse media outlets — newspapers, online publications and broadcasting companies — can significantly elevate their chances in the competitive journalism field. Students not only would gain practical skills, but also contribute to meaningful causes. Embedded internships offer a myriad of benefits to students while also providing organizations with young professionals to fill their ranks. At a small cost to NYU, students across all schools can have easier access to internship opportunities that are otherwise hard to come by. It’s time for the university to embrace embedded internships as a cornerstone of its educational philosophy. WSN’s Opinion section strives to publish ideas worth discussing. The views presented in the Opinion section are solely the views of the writer. Contact Molly Koch at [email protected].

This content was originally published here.