Nvidia’s biotech moment; Regeneron launches venture arm; New GLP-1 player enters; Sanofi rejigs cancer pact, vaccine ops; and more

Nvidia's biotech moment; Regeneron launches venture arm; New GLP-1 player enters; Sanofi rejigs cancer pact, vaccine ops; and more

Nvidi­a’s biotech mo­ment; Re­gen­eron launch­es ven­ture arm; New GLP-1 play­er en­ters; Sanofi re­jigs can­cer pact, vac­cine ops; and more Wel­come back to End­points Week­ly, your re­view of the week’s top bio­phar­ma head­lines. Want this in your in­box every Sat­ur­day morn­ing? Cur­rent End­points read­ers can vis­it their read­er pro­file to add End­points Week­ly. New to End­points? Sign up here. Next month, we will be part­ner­ing with the Fi­nan­cial Times on its US Phar­ma and Biotech Sum­mit re­turns to New York. There are op­tions for both in-per­son and vir­tu­al at­ten­dance — you can find the speak­ers and agen­da here. Unlock this article instantly by becoming a free subscriber. You’ll get access to free articles each month, plus you can customize what newsletters get delivered to your inbox each week, including breaking news.

This content was originally published here.