The Bell Labs of biotech: Stuart Schreiber has billionaire support for new biomedical institute

The Bell Labs of biotech: Stuart Schreiber has billionaire support for new biomedical institute

The Bell Labs of biotech: Stu­art Schreiber has bil­lion­aire sup­port for new bio­med­ical in­sti­tute Every week, there is chat­ter of new routes to fund­ing drug de­vel­op­ment that ul­ti­mate­ly bring med­i­cines to pa­tients more quick­ly. On Fri­day, a group of bil­lion­aires of­fered up the lat­est route, un­veil­ing the cap­i­tal they’ve put be­hind a new bio­med­ical re­search in­sti­tute with broad am­bi­tions across tech­nolo­gies and dis­ease ar­eas. Are­na BioWorks said Fri­day it’s “in­spired by the suc­cess of Bell Labs” and will lead new re­search ini­tia­tives and cre­ate for-prof­it biotech com­pa­nies “seam­less­ly un­der one roof.” It promis­es a quick­er trans­la­tion­al re­search mod­el, has the back­ing of big names, and plans to put sci­en­tists in the dri­ver’s seat and a foot­print in the in­dus­try’s beat­ing heart of Kendall Square in Cam­bridge, MA. Unlock this article instantly by becoming a free subscriber. You’ll get access to free articles each month, plus you can customize what newsletters get delivered to your inbox each week, including breaking news.

This content was originally published here.