In this episode, part two of a two-part series, we continue Mike Blumenfeld’s story of how he became one of New York’s most esteemed business mentors. Mike attributes much of his long-term success to taking charge of his life, having a positive mindset, and consistently delivering on his promises. Hear how Mike shifted gears and started helping entrepreneurs throughout the country achieve success. Discover an action you can take to infuse some of Mike’s sage advice into your life. Action Principles Prioritize family. Make more time for people you consider “family”: your spouse, children, relatives, and close friends. When you prioritize your loved ones, your work quality will also benefit. ACTION : Schedule family activities in your calendar and treat them as you would any other commitment. Network . You don’t have to be an entrepreneur to gain value from networking with others. The relationships you build can be valuable regardless of your career. ACTION : Search for networking opportunities in your industry and sign up to attend one. Earn respect . Respect is earned by consistently delivering on your commitments. When you earn respect, you’ll experience more success. ACTION : Schedule commitments in your calendar a few days before the deadline, giving yourself a buffer to complete it on time. Take charge of your life . Life is all about making decisions. Prioritize the choices that will lead to a balanced success. ACTION : When you’re struggling to make a decision, evaluate the pros and cons and commit to the one that best fits your goal. Guest Resources If you’re looking for a phenomenal business mentor, contact Mike at Myron I. Blumenfeld. You’re also welcome to follow Mike Blumenfeld on LinkedIn. Suggested LinkedIn Learning Courses
This content was originally published here.