These are the Most Active Non-NYC Venture Firms Investing in NYC Startups in 2023

Today, I look at the venture firms, located outside of the city, that are most actively investing in NYC companies based on deal count across all stages of the venture cycle. Included for each firm are the number of investments made in NYC startups in 2023 and the NYC startups that the venture firms invested in during the year. While examining the data, it is important to keep the following in mind as these factors do have an impact on the data: The data is current as of 2/21/24. Only Non-NYC venture capital firms were considered for this analysis. This does not include data from accelerator programs. Only venture firms that  do not have their headquarters in NYC were considered; some of these firms may have local offices in the city. The number of investments reflects total firm investments in companies that are based, founded, and headquartered in NYC. Click here for a full list of the local NYC venture firms that are most actively investing in NYC startups Investments from investment banks and other non-venture firms are not included. Our data set is not 100% complete, some rounds are not disclosed nor have regulatory filing and therefore are not included in this analysis. The AlleyWatch audience is driving progress and innovation on a global scale. There are a number of options to reach this audience of the world’s most innovative organizations and startups at scale including having prominent brand placement in front of, driving demand generation from, and building thought leadership among the vast majority of key decision-makers in the New York business community and beyond. Find out more  here.

This content was originally published here.