This week in Washington IP news, the House Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, And Commerce holds a hearing on promoting innovation and protecting data privacy, and the Senate Judiciary Committee holds a meeting about a handful of judicial appointments. Elsewhere, Invent Together hosts an event to honor Black inventors and hear from a variety of Black inventors and entrepreneurs.
Tuesday, February 28
At 2 PM on Tuesday, online video webinar
To honor Black History Month, Invent Together is hosting a panel to discuss the current state of Black invention and innovation in the United States. The panelists will discuss some of the most important contributions from Black inventors as well as increasing representation in the invention industry. The panel features the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office Deputy Director Derrick Brent and five Black inventors and entrepreneurs.
Wednesday, March 1
House Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, And Commerce
At 8:30 AM on Wednesday, 2123 Rayburn House Office Building and online livestream
This House Committee on Energy and Commerce subcommittee is calling witnesses to testify about innovation and data privacy in the United States. The committee members will discuss the American Data Privacy and Protection Act proposed during the last congressional session. In a press release, the committee called the proposed national data privacy standard, “the strongest way to promote innovation, put individuals in charge of their data, and protect children online.”
United States Patent and Trademark Office
At 2 PM on Wednesday, online video webinar
The USPTO is kicking off its Women’s Entrepreneurship Symposium for 2023 by hosting a variety of women leading the way in entrepreneurship and innovation. The panelists will discuss how women can impact the next generation of leaders, the challenges women innovators come up against, and how to commercialize your ideas.
Thursday, March 2
Senate Committee on the Judiciary
At 10:00 AM on Thursday, Hart Senate Office Building, Room 216 and online livestream
The Senate Committee on the Judiciary is holding this executive business meeting to discuss several nominations including five nominations to district courts. Some of these nominees have faced fierce criticism from Republican senators in hearings, but President Joe Biden has been more successful than his predecessor in federal judicial appointments. As of February 23, President Biden has nominated 105 nominees to the courts, 20 ahead of President Trump this far into his term.
Cato Institute
At 12:00 PM on Thursday, Cato Institute, 1000 Massachusetts Ave and online livestream
The Cato Institute is hosting this policy forum to discuss the February 21 Supreme Court hearings in the Gonzalez v. Google case. The case s the first time that the Supreme Court has considered Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which protects websites from liability for content posted by third parties. The initial impression from the first hearing was that many of the justices seemed concerned about the potential rule’s impact on free expression on the internet. A variety of policy analysts and experts will discuss the hearings before a luncheon.
Center for American Progress
At 1:00 PM on Thursday, Center for American Progress and online livestream
In collaboration with Public Knowledge, the Center for American Progress is hosting a panel discussion with leading scholars on the future of technology regulation. The panelists will touch on regulation ideas and policies and the impact they will have on competition, privacy, and consumer protection issues. The panel will also look to the European Union where the sweeping Digital Markets Act and Digital Services Act is being put into effect in addition to its artificial intelligence act.
This content was originally published here.