Xbox Almost Flashed Its Cash At Warner Bros, Sees Nintendo As the Holy Grail | Push Square

Xbox Almost Flashed Its Cash At Warner Bros, Sees Nintendo As the Holy Grail | Push Square

OK, so I guess I have a very different takeaway than everyone else. This isn’t especially shocking to read or even “sobering” as the writer puts it. Microsoft is a huge corporation that is used to dominating its marketplace and becoming a monopoly (Windows). But let’s look at it this way, who wouldn’t want to buy Nintendo? I can tell you Sony would love to buy them too.

When Phil is saying that Nintendo is not seeing that their future isn’t on their own hardware he is imagining a world where people are not complaining that the Switch launched with specs that were horribly outdated – look at Mortal Kombat 1 on Switch.

I’ve seen comments that Nintendo doesn’t need Microsoft since their games sell insanely well, and sure, but that is not the point. The point is if Smash Bros. was on Series S/X would it not still sell 30m copies? Maybe not because of Game Pass, but it would still be a juggernaut that would put Xbox’s in homes, including Japanese ones. Maybe it would also have a robust online component!

Phil sees a future where Nintendo is no longer hamstrung by “inferior” hardware. Imagine a world where Nintendo didn’t have to worry about dated specs? Even the gaming community buys into this! How many articles are there complaining about their specs and how it’s so challenging for 3rd parties. Nintendo doesn’t need better specs or even want them. By not clawing at realistic graphics they save themselves millions of dollars and years of development time. This allows them to continue a stream of high quality first and second party games. Cheaper and quicker games equals more profit, especially with their stinginess with sales.

Nintendo was very wise with the Wii to veer left when Sony and Microsoft continued on their path. But both of the latter will always covet them. If either of them succeeded the other would be toast.

This content was originally published here.

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