3 Business And Entrepreneurship Tips For Artists – Enterprise Podcast Network – EPN

3 Business And Entrepreneurship Tips For Artists - Enterprise Podcast Network - EPN

Being an artistic person isn’t always easy, especially since careers in the arts seem to be few and far between, and a very limited number of artists find success when trying to make their art into a career for themselves. That doesn’t mean it isn’t possible, though. If you have managed to turn your art into a business or plan on being able to do so soon, congratulations! Though this is a great goal to reach, you will still have challenges to face along the way. So here are 3 business and entrepreneur tips for artists. 

Stay Organized

Whether you are selling pieces of art, art supplies, or commission-based services, you most likely have a lot of material items which are crucial to the success of your business. In order to make sure things continue running smoothly, you should take special care to stay as organized as possible. Renting or buying a warehouse can help you to have the space you need in order to keep things neat and tidy so that you always know where everything is.

A big part of managing your warehouse is making sure that it is set up in such a way that makes sense. Make sure everything has its place so that keeping it organized will be easy for you and anyone helping you. 

Don’t Get Discouraged

Remember that art is one of the most difficult businesses to get into and it is especially hard to become successful and start making a profit in the art world. When you are just starting out, give yourself some time to get established. You will eventually get better and better at what you are doing and soon this will be a real source of income and you will be able to help other artists make money off of their art too!

Use Social Media

Social media is one of the best things for artists to help promote themselves and their work. For many, this is actually how they end up getting their small businesses started because people reach out to the wanting to purchase things via their social media accounts. Remember that your art accounts do not need to overlap with personal stuff if you don’t want them to – their purpose is to showcase your art and help you to sell out and make a name for yourself within the art world. 

Not only is social media pretty user friendly but it is also completely free to use. You can pay for ads and business accounts down the line if you’d like, but that’s not necessary in the beginning. Simply start an account using your artist name or business name and start posting! 

Business and entrepreneurship are difficult enough as it is, but when you add into the equation that you are also an artist things can get even more challenging. Hopefully these tips will help!

This content was originally published here.