[SOLVED] Leadership and Communication – Business Finance

This assignment will not only help you improve your leadership and communication skills, it will also establish the foundation for other courses you take at CSU-Global. 
For this assignment, research the topic of leadership and communication. To make this assignment more meaningful for you, base it on your job or other life experience (perhaps as a volunteer for an organization or as a student at a university) as much as possible. Follow the outline below step-by-step. 
1. Your assignment will be 900 to 1,200 words in length, in addition to the title and reference pages. 
2. Include the elements, below, in your paper. View the sample paper; does your paper look like this? To see how these elements should appear. Keep in mind that this assignment structure reflects that of most Critical Thinking assignments at CSU-Global. 
Title Page You can use the APA Template Word document, which is already formatted in APA style. Just replace the informational placeholders with your information. Write directly into this template and save it as your own paper. 
Introduction (The Introduction does not need a header. See the sample paper, “Does your paper look like this?,” to see how the introduction should look in your paper.) 
Here is where you include your thesis statement. Follow the instructions on Page IV of this module and in the handout, Writing an Effective Essay (one of your required readings this week). Again, tie your paper to an issue at your job or in your life and that addresses leadership and communication. Use Page I, Leadership and Communication, of this module to help you. Ask yourself those two important questions: Who is the audience and what is the message? 
Finding Credible Material (This will be a “Level 1” heading in your paper. To learn what Level I means, visit https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/16/.) 
A. Find a scholarly journal article in the CSU-Global Library on the topic of leadership and communication, one that fits the issue you are writing about. Use the information on Page II in this module and in the Writing an Effective Essay handout to help you. 
i. Summarize the article and explain how it addresses your work or life issue with regard to leadership and communication. 
ii. Discuss the process of finding this scholarly article in the CSU-Global Library. In your discussion, answer the following questions: 
a. Explain whether this was the first time you used the Library. 
b. Describe the key words you used to find your topic. 
c. Did you find an article right away on leadership and communication that related to your issue or did you have to use different key words to find the right article? Explain and describe your process. 
d. According to the chart on Page II of this module, what are the characteristics of a journal article? How does an article differ from a magazine or newspaper? (You will want to summarize this information in your own words.) 
B. Next search the Internet for a reliable Web site related to the leadership and communication issue you are studying. 
i. Use the CRAP test on Page II of this module to evaluate this Web site. Summarize your findings for each section of the CRAP test. 
ii. Discuss how this Web site addressed, or did not address, your issue. 
iii. According to the chart on Page II of this module, what are the characteristics of a Web site? (You will want to summarize this information in your own words.) 
C. Find an ebook in the CSU-Global Library also on the topic of leadership and communication. You may want to view this tutorial on how to find an ebook in the CSU-Global Library – Searching for eBooks. 
i. Summarize how this ebook addresses your issue regarding leadership and communication. 
ii. According to the chart on Page II of this module, what are the characteristics of a book? (You will want to summarize this information in your own words.) 
D. Cite your sources (and any concepts in your paper that are not your own) in proper APA format. Make sure you adhere to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements, which is one of the required readings for this module. 
Critical Thinking (This will be a “Level 1” heading in your paper. To learn what Level I means, visit https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/16/). 
Now you are going to apply critical thinking to each of the sources you just researched and read. Use the content and video on Page III of this module and the Orientation lecture series: Learning to learn – Developing critical thinking skills handout (in the required readings) to help you construct this part of your paper. 
A. Describe how you would apply critical thinking to the journal article you found. 
B. Describe how you would apply critical thinking to the Web site you found. 
C. Describe how you would apply critical thinking to the ebook you found. 
Conclusion You may want to consult the Writing an Effective Essay handout to help you write your conclusion. 
(This will be a “Level 1” heading in your paper. To learn what Level I means, visit https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/16/). 
A. Restate thesis 
B. Summarize main body points 
C. Return to the hook to bring the essay full-circle 
See sample paper and the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements to construct your Reference list. ***The link below is an article from my library***https://search-ebscohost-com.csuglobal.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=53323733&site=ehost-live#.U5t0_mv4E5Y.gmail

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